Professor, Institute for Integrated Cell-Material Sciences, Kyoto University, Japan.
Shuhei Furukawa received his PhD degree in 2005 from Kyoto University. After postdoctoral research at Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (KUL), he returned to Kyoto University in 2007 as an Assistant Professor. In 2008, he moved to the JST ERATO Kitagawa Integrated Pores Project as a Group Leader and since 2010 he has been working in the Institute for Integrated Cell-Material Sciences (WPI-iCeMS), Kyoto University (2010-2020: Associate Professor, 2020-: Full Professor). His main research interest is in coordination chemistry and particularly synthesis and property of porous materials over multiple length scales and their applications in cell biology and sensors.
He has published more than 110 papers in international refereed journals with >12,000 citations (h-index = 48). He received awards such as Asian Rising Stars Lectureship from 18th Asian Chemical Congress (2019), The Young Scientists’ Prize for Science and Technology by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, Japan (2017), Rising Stars from 41st International Conference on Coordination Chemistry (2014), The Chemical Society of Japan Award for Young Chemists (2014).